
Equinor internal manufacturer database of qualified and accepted manufacturers

Equinor internal manufacturer database of NORSOK M-650 or ISO 17782 qualified and accepted manufacturers is for your information only.

Equinor has no responsibility when others are using information from Equinor internal manufacturer database.

The list of qualified and accepted manufacturers does not exempt any purchaser from his responsibility to ensure that the actual qualifications are valid for the relevant product and within the essential variables in NORSOK M-650/ISO 17782.

Equinor accepts deliveries according to the listed qualifications until they expire. Stock material that was manufactured before a qualification expired is also acceptable.

Equinor may update the internal manufacturer database when appropriate and may add or remove manufacturers based on the qualification status or other evaluations for example related to quality issues.


Password may be issued to companies which Equinor has a direct contract with and to suppliers of equipment packages to Equinor projects.
To apply for password, please contact gm_m650@equinor.com.
Password may be changed without notice.